Action Translation Services is pleased to present a quick-and-easy way to experience the benefits of simultaneous, multi-language interpretation. Imagine getting all that without having to leave the office. Conferences can be time-consuming and expensive, particularly when you consider the cost of airfare, hotels, venue rentals, equipment, etc. With Action’s exciting new technology, we can provide simultaneous audio interpretations from your office. You’ll save money, you’ll save time, and your message will be loud and clear.

• No venue to rent
• No travel
• No loss of time
• No high costs
• No risk
• No hassle

Action’s multilingual conference calls let you connect clients or suppliers in the U.S. with counterparts throughout the world. Thanks to the skills of our experienced, professional interpreters, your conference calls will be easier and more productive than ever. Moreover, our unique technology makes high-quality over-the-phone simultaneous interpretation affordable for parties in the public and private sectors. These are simultaneous interpretations where our professionals interpret at the same rate of speech as the speaker, with only a few seconds’ offset. So, you’ll no longer have to wait through consecutive interpretation, in which you speak and then wait for your words to be translated. With Action’s new simultaneous interpretation technology, the conversation flows naturally and the translation is more accurate. Get in touch with us, and give it a try!

Here’s how it works

All you need to do is provide us with the dates and times of the service, the languages required, the number of participants and a working telephone. We provide all the participants with local telephone numbers and an access code. Simply dial the number and enter the access code. You’ll quickly be logged in and ready to go. You can now communicate in your own language with a professional interpreter, who will immediately erase the language barrier with smooth, accurate simultaneous interpretation.


In today’s global economy we need to be able to communicate with all our partners. Here is how we can break language barriers: